Highlights of the contents? There have been stories here about the witch hunts, which ring true with no way to verify.
Slim chance to ever find a copy.
the truth that gives you eternal life - "bethel edition".
this is an amazing book (vanderhoven).
Highlights of the contents? There have been stories here about the witch hunts, which ring true with no way to verify.
Slim chance to ever find a copy.
did your class mates queue up to have sex with you?
it happened to olaf according to today’s wt.
Olaf is 5 foot, 300 pounds, nobody tried. We know a family with Olafina who moved to keep her away from boys. Two problems; there are boys in smaller towns and she is not even close to attractive.
I grew up in the hippy era, bedding was never as easy as they WT says.
I swear every time I read about prestigious jobs I should decrease the " tithe" my family gives. It is already local only, the congregation forwards way enough.
_____within the last 6 months, i was contacted by one of my fellow jw's incarcerated with me and about 50 other bros. in the late 1960s.
we served time as convicted conscientious objectors in seagoville federal correctional institution.surprise surprise!
Long makes it hard to read and follow. The thinkers probably already know the points but are too entrenched; family, time, position. A few may still think they are a force for change jnside.,(Simon once felt that way from what he said)
By our age we mostly discover we are wrecks and have not had colorful lives whether jw's or not. A lot of us do have successful marriages, and homes. The pioneers, COs etc. do have things to regret.
We born ins are more likely to regret careers not taken because of education lack. Forest ranger, doctor, etc. Then there is the overtime crap.
when all is quiet on the world scene, the jdubs say see!
they are about to to declare peace and security!
when tensions are high the jdubs point to the pushing of the kon and the kos and say see bible prophecy is being fulfilled!.
As bullwinkle said: "this time for sure"
russia invades ukraine.
in the early morning hours of february 24, 2022, russia began a military invasion of ukraine, despite the efforts of world leaders to avoid war.
how might this military conflict affect the world?
Retirement and we were promised to not get old and die.
This will give legs to the Jack booted thug scenario. Already someone commented on the basement because the news showed a bomb shelter.
the wt uses phi list ine.
the world says phil is tine.
i remember they had a pronunciation guide devised by a clergyman which is ok in as much as as we dont speak hebrew.
Jeffo. Yes, but that old clergycritter decided the second syllable was to be accented, no matter. That was my intent to show. Listen to Jews saying place names or proper names and then the watchtower butchery. I will go with people who really know Hebrew.
This was brought about by the " student" reading in the so called school.
Minor thing really, just the fake intelligence of some elders who cannot pronounce pronunciation. Crishtendom is lately a new one. Then the good old pronounced W in sword. Liberry bugs me too
avoidjw.org has posted a letter titled, ''announcements and reminders january 2022.''.
the governing body are always changing bible procedures.
Finally it hit me. We never know more than we do at age 18-20 or so. Ask any parent.
the wt uses phi list ine.
the world says phil is tine.
i remember they had a pronunciation guide devised by a clergyman which is ok in as much as as we dont speak hebrew.
The WT uses phi LIST ine. The world says PHIL is tine. I remember they had a pronunciation guide devised by a clergyman which is OK in as much as as we dont speak hebrew. But it goes too far. I have heard the rules applied to spanish, Italian, german. Makes ignorant people more so.
As for clergy, apparently (n) before 1914 the sources are correct to use. Then in 1914 god said: "what a mess, nobody is fit" ( examining american evengelicals only) and threw a dart to choose.
this question has been presented many times throughout the years.
somewhat recently, there has been much talk surrounding the "bite method" :.
"bite” stands for behavior, information, thought, and emotional control.. some examples were thrown at me, such as the decisions of who we associate with, discouraging any worldy media, encouraging our brothers and sisters to report any of our misbehaviours to the elders, our rejection of criticism on the truth, shunning etc.. what do we think about this?.
Truth. Good video. It also points out muslim as being a danger to everyone.
Bobcat. I have windered about the background music. Of course hypnotism is demonic🙂
Mark. Very much like asking a KKK whether he is racist. The GB definitely fits the definition
We can see the same thinking in climate change, woke, BLM and Kkk, green, both major US political parties.
from an interview with ebony magazine:.
in 1987, he left the jehovah's witnesses.
there was strong opposition to his "thriller" video on the part of some witnesses.
Not required but encouraged. Do not answer the phone. You may miss news of an emergency or death but what the hell.